Member Benefits:
- Community Service
- Professional Networking
- Friendship
- Access to a Global Network
- Ethics
Member Expectations
- Attendance to weekly meetings
- Semi-Annual Dues (Paid in January and July each year)
- Participation in Annual Fundraiser and Service Projects
- Live by the 4-way test in what you say, think and do.
Member Qualifications
Be of good character and meet one of the following requirements:
- Engaged as a proprietor, partner, corporate officer, or manager of any worthy and recognized business or profession; or
- Hold an important position in any worthy and recognized business or profession or any branch or agency thereof and have executive capacity with discretionary authority; or
- Have retired from any position listed in sub-subsection (a) or (b) of this sub-section, or
- Have a current Rotarian Sponsor regardless of title or job affiliations
Membership Process
- The membership process starts with a visit. Contact us to schedule your visit today
- All Prospective members are required to attend 3 meetings prior to submitting a membership application